Jumaat, 10 Mei 2019


Hi guys! Today was 4th Ramadan 1440H in Malaysia. Alhamdulillah (Praise to Allah). In connection with this holy month, we are always encouraged to increase our charity and worship because Allah giving us chances to multiply the rewards (pahala) once in a year. Personally I have two biggest target which include external and internal practice. For me the biggest paradigm shift I want to do are khatam the Quran (complete 30 Juz of Quran) and control my anger. As far as I recall, the last time I got to khatam the Quran was 10 years ago when I was 17 years old and never able to khatam after that which is why I want to set and prepare myself to accomplish the mission. The other one was to control my anger. Whether during traffic jam, lined up to pay bills or maybe during arguments with my husband. As a woman, most of the times I blamed hormones for unable to control my anger and sometimes because of the genes inherited from my ancestors (not kidding guys!). After all those excuses, I realized that nobody can control my emotion except myself. Why I prefer to get mad and annoyed when I don't have to like for instance my husband didn't help me doing the laundry (after I had asked him to do so few times!) or regular problem with internet line. After all, marriage is about patience (sabar) right? So, instead of letting other things or people getting on my nerves, why not I do control myself first and take it in positive way?
Yes, I know that is not the main purpose of this post. I mention those things because I'm sure you too have your own set or goals for this Ramadan right? Anyway, to cut a long story short, here is the recipe for German Cookies. I had tried several different recipe but this gave the best results and really amazed with the taste. Very easy recipe, gluten free, no eggs needed which is good for those who have allergy, no added coloring, less sugar used and yet very delicious! The only different is that I added nutella by poking a small hole before baking the cookies. You can opt that out if you want to taste the real German cookies. You can also dusting powdered or snow sugar if you like!


  • 125g   Pure Butter (I prefer salted butter)- room temperature
  • 40g     Icing Sugar
  • 1 tsp   Vanilla essence
  • 42g     Corn flour
  • 85g     Potato powder
  • 80g     Super fine flour
  • 1 tbsp  Sweetened Condensed Milk (this make cookies have milky aroma and taste)
  • Nutella!

  1. Preheat oven at 180ÂșC. Spray cooking oil on cookie tray.
  2. Sift potato starch and corn flour. Set aside.
  3. Whisk softened butter and icing sugar until pale and fluffy.
  4. Add in vanilla essence.
  5. Add in sifted flour and combine well.
  6. Make a ball for about a size of teaspoon. Poke the center of the batter ball.
  7. Bake for about 15 to 20 minutes. This cookies don't have to be brown in color. The cookie will remain white in color. Do not over bake.
  8. Let the cookies cool then pipe nutella, strawberry jam or anything you like.
  9. Done!
Very simple and easy as pie! Try making it for your family and I'm pretty sure they will butter you up! Go ahead try this recipe share the picture in instagram and don't forget to tag tangangebu27.

1 ulasan:

Terima kasih atas ulasan/komen. Tunggu saya balas sebarang pertanyaan ya.

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